Arula — Too Much

Arula releases dark-ambient pop ballad “Too Much”

Arula is a San Francisco-based singer, songwriter and electronic music producer. Her catalog is aimed to unite and empower listeners from different backgrounds and cultural experiences by viewing music and movement as sacred expressions of a universal language.

Her latest offering “Too Much”, a hauntingly beautiful dark ambient-pop song, resonates with the feelings of struggling to express the true self while hiding the duality within. Arula’s alluring voice is dark and mysterious, and effortlessly floats over the captivating electronic-centred production.

“The chorus makes me want to thrash around and allow my inner wild woman to awaken; I also love the groove of the bridge and how the bass really comes through, it feels like a moment to pause and breathe; the calm before the serenade of the next storm. We are here to express ourselves in ways that our ancestors couldn’t; it can feel like both a privilege and a responsibility. I feel as though we’re just now entering this space of allowing ourselves to discover who we are, to break down barriers, to defy labels, to evolve into a more kind and tolerant species ultimately”Arula.

Stream “Too Much” below:

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Empara Mi — I Can’t