Lauren Dejey Releases New Single “Cherry Cola”

22 year-old emerging London-based artist Lauren Dejey releases new single “Cherry Cola”.

Infusing a contemporary R&B sound with unique and dreamy melodies, emerging singer-songwriter Lauren Dejey has unveiled an impressive debut single. Her mesmerising vocals match perfectly with the production, which in turn gives it replay value.

“Cherry Cola was started in January 2019, when I locked myself away in the country for a week alone, attempting to write something after what felt like years of not writing anything that I really loved. It was one of those songs that just came very naturally, and once I got the lyrics down I knew the visuals for this song would be very strong. I love the idea of people interpreting everything I write in their own way, but the inspiration from the lyrics came from having a pretty rough time for a few years after leaving Music University in 2017, and it felt as if every time I tried to open up about how I was feeling, I would get shut down by people telling me it’s just in my head and I need to move on and just stay positive. So the lyrics “Told myself I’d be fine, hide it all you won’t find me, putting on a brave face, worked like Cherry Cola and Green Tea”, are pretty accurate in explaining how I felt then and still do feel from time to time”Lauren Dejey.

Stream “Cherry Cola” below:

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Photo Credit: Vivian Morris

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