ill peach — HEAD FULL OF HOLES

Los Angeles grit-pop duo ill peach release new single “HEAD FULL OF HOLES”

ill peach’s new single “HEAD FULL OF HOLES” arrives following opening performances for Christine and the Queens and Haley Kiyoko. Brilliantly written and built over a captivating production which showcases their imaginative brand of alt-pop, the track is about their obsession with nostalgia.

“HEAD FULL OF HOLES is about our obsession with nostalgia. This urge to have a tight grip on certain memories. Sometimes the beautiful and the painful ones get distorted because we want to remember them a certain way.  We both had experiences like that in therapy this past year.  It’s part of the healing journey to decipher between how much of the past is real and how much of it is how we embellished it in our minds.  We started writing HFOF when we took our first trip to London. We were listening to a lot of Coldplay, My bloody Valentine and Radiohead there. Naturally. And we heard Radiohead talk about the infinite climax in a song so this is us trying that out.” ill peach.

They’ll be coming over to London later this year to perform at Pitchfork Festival London on 10th November at the Village Underground.

Stream “HEAD FULL OF HOLES” below:

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 Photo Credit: Lucy Sandler

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