Fresh Sounds [01/07/2019]

Oli Hannaford x Scarlett Fae — I Won’t Go

UK based singer-songwriter Oli Hannaford links up with Scarlett Fae on this R&B track that effortlessly combines dance music well. Both singers deliver a smooth vocal performance.

Kodamilo — Melodramatic

Kodamillo’s latest single “Melodramatic” is an enjoyable listen from start to finish. Showcasing his excellent songwriting ability, the Florida based artist exudes confidence on the sombre melodic track.

Broughton — Miss Me

Gatwick, UK based artist Broughton has been making music since 2015, he shines on his latest single “Miss Me” — an emotionally driven track that many of us can relate to.

Jillian Steele — No Expectations

“No Expectations” is the excellent debut single by American indie/pop singer-songwriter Jillian Steele. The track develops into a melodic song built over a warm acoustic guitar. One to watch for sure.

Tessa Rae — Heart Feels

Tessa Rae is one of the most exciting emerging acts on the planet, and she proves on her infectious new single “Heart Feels” — combining both R&B and pop well.

Featured image: Oli Hannaford

Empara Mi — I Can’t