A Conversation With Newcomer pleasehelpriley

Newcomer pleasehelpriley talks upbringing, debut EP PLEASE EXPLAIN IT and more

Drawing inspiration from music he grew up listening to, newcomer pleasehelpriley effortlessly combines a wide range of genres with cutting-edge songwriting and eclectic production on his impressive debut EP PLEASE EXPLAIN IT.

Focus track “2SUMMERS” is a compelling indie pop track with widespread appeal that is simply impossible to ignore. Overall, PLEASE EXPLAIN IT has moments of promise thanks to its experimental sounds, enticing melodies and some elements of introspective vulnerability. pleasehelpriley demonstrates his boundless potential and distinguishes himself as a standout up and coming artist within the hyperpop and anti-pop micro-genres. 

We had the opportunity to get to know the newcomer— read our conversation below:

Hey Riley, how are you doing? 

I’m doing great man!

Where are you from?

I’m from Saint Louis, MO

Do you come from a musical family?

My family has always messed around with music but no one has taken it as far and attempted to turn the dream into a reality. 

How did you get into music?

I was given my first guitar when I was six by my grandparents and it sorta all started from there and i just ran with it. 

Growing up, who were your favourite artists?

Growing up I was introduced to a lot of different music. I mainly grew up on a lot of the classic rock/grunge, so Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains etc. 

Nice. How about now? Who are you currently listening to?

Currently I’m still very much into the early 2000’s and 90’s rock. I listen to a lot. Aries, brakence, J. Cole, Kendrick, J.I.D and a lot of $uicideBoys. 

You’ve just dropped your debut EP. What made you want to release an EP this early on in your career?

I know most people love to wait until they’ve gained more of a following to drop a project, but I really just wanted to put this EP out for myself. I thought of the idea of an EP over a year ago now and I was set on getting it done and out. I really proved to myself that I can do this music stuff and it feels really good.

Love that. Talk us through the creative process.

I don’t have a set creative process, I tend to stay very unorthodox. Sometimes I’m writing before i even hear a melody and sometimes we’ve done the whole production before I start recording vocals. It’s really more of a mood thing. 

How did the collaboration with PROP. come about?

When I was making FOREGROUND I initially was going to keep my verse and drop it solo. I hit PROP up on facetime while I was recording it and let him listen to it. He asked to be on it and he put a verse on it within 30 min. It was a spur of the moment idea that ended up becoming one of my favorite songs I’ve made with PROP, and yes we have plenty more songs we plan on releasing eventually so keep an eye out of that. 

“2SUMMERS” is amazing, it also showcases your guitar playing skills. What inspired you to create that song?

I was looking around on YouTube for beats and ran across the beat that Yung Spoiler made. I just really wanted to try something out of my comfort zone. It pushed me to try harder and make my sound fit with the mainstream sound and then that guitar solo came in off of me just really wanting to put it in because it added a better vibe to it.

Amazing. Do you plan on releasing on any visuals?

Visuals are eventually going to come. I have some stuff in the works for it and I’m beyond excited. 

What’s next? 

For now I’m gonna let people digest the EP for just a lil bit then it’s just gonna be hit after hit from there on out. Also looking into some live performances around Saint Louis hopefully soon! New collabs with a lot of my friends and some new homies are in the works as we speak. Keep an eye out for me if you aren’t already. You’re gonna wanna see this shit.


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